Since the birth of Precision Training Analysis and Design, we’ve proudly supported the UK Ministry of Defence on a range of projects that include Defence Digital, Welfare management, Modelling & Simulation, and implementing culture-based policy changes throughout the whole of Defence.
Drawing on over 20 years of military experience, Precision Training Analysis and Design are perfectly placed to produce DSAT-compliant products and facilitate training development across the Ministry of Defence.
Precision Training Analysis and Design consultants take a meticulous, unbiased approach to produce insightful Training Needs Analysis (TNA) outputs that provide in-depth data-driven analysis and identify training and development needs for individuals and teams within the Ministry of Defence.
All processes and TNA outputs are DSAT compliant and in line with MOD policy requirements that are laid out in JSP 822.
All of this is made possible because Precision Training consultants have been certified with the full range of Security Clearance (SC) levels, from basic to Top Secret, enabling them to work on pioneering projects with partners across the UK Ministry of Defence and beyond.